The Oath of Barbuda


I pledge my allegiance to Barbuda, through my love, loyalty and honesty

I pledge to honour our African ancestors who lived to ensure our lives would be better


I pledge to protect our Barbudan common land, culture and heritage  

To care for the heartbeat and lungs of Barbuda, our precious Lagoon and wetlands

I pledge to preserve all that lives in our natural world; in the air, on land and in our surrounding seas, for these are the sustenance of life

I promise to defend our people’s existence in UNITY and fight Fearlessly for our rights as Barbudans

For today and for future generations


Because we are BRA !


God Bless Barbuda





The Oath of Barbuda










God Bless Barbuda



This Oath comes from the heart and soul, of our hands in the sands and soil of the land, in the strength of community and unity, in the fight for freedom, justice and long-standing empowerment of the people. The people, land and culture are inextricably intertwined, we are one. Our People first, Barbuda Land forever. One Love.   


Special thanks and love is extended to the following families, patriots and friends of Barbuda who have helped formulate, through many revisions and months, a true pledge for our Beloved Barbuda. It must be noted the bones of this huge task were provided by the creative genius of sister Darlene Beazer with iterations from the children, sons and daughters of the soil. Brown, Burton, Charles, Deazle, Dublique, Frank, Francis, George, Gore, Harris, Henry, James, Jeffrey, Johnson, Joseph, Knight, Lee Michael, Mussington, Nedd, Norris, Punter, Warner, Webber, Thomas.


©PlanBarbuda 2024